Togolese Braised chicken with Djinkoumè
8 cups flour
2 chicken
8 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons ginger
2 cloves
bay leaf
1/2 onion
2 cubes
4 tbsp tomato paste
3 large fresh tomatoes
1 big onions
A red pepper
Clean and cut the chicken in half, marinate with the spices, cube and salted to taste. Cook for 1 hour (30 minutes on each side) – Add enough water to cover the chicken at all time.
Once chicken is cooked, remove from the broth and set aside
Mix the tomato paste, 1 tomato and 1/2 onion , 2 tablespoons chili puree, 1 cup chicken broth and salt.
Brush the chicken with the tomato mixture.
Faites-le braiser sur le barbecue en prenant soin de retourner les morceaux de temps en temps pour ne pas les brûler.
While the chicken is cooking, add you flour to a dry pot .
Grill it by turning regularly on a medium heat while turning with a spatula for 20 minutes, then reserve.
When the flour takes a “café au lait” color, remove it from the heat and reserve it.
-If you are roasting too much flour, it does not matter because you can keep it in an airtight container.-
Remove excess oil
Mix 1 cup of water and 1 cup of the roast the corn flour and set aside.
A soon as the water start boiling add the corn and water mixture. Add the salt.
When the liquid start to boil reserve the third.
Add 2 cups of the roast the corn flour and mix thoroughly
If it is not soft enough for you add the broth on the side.
Mix and cover for a 7 min
Cut the fresh tomato, the African pepper, the fresh onion into thin cubes.
Serve the Djinkoumè with the tomato mixture and fried chicken.