Tortilla Española (Potato Omelet – Spain)
3 potatoes, peeled and sliced
¾ cup extra virgin olive oil
Add peeled and chopped potatoes and chopped 1 onion, sliced
Put a little of salt and let cook everything while stirring frequently with wood spoon about 15 minutes
Set aside until cool
5 eggs
Add mashed potatoes, onion and mix until obtaining a homogeneous mass
1 tsp parsley
Above put 1/3 of the potato and egg mixture
Place 3 slices of cheese, 6 slices of ham and finally 3 other slices of cheese
6 ham slices
8 cheese sandwich slices
Above, put the rest of potato and egg and with the spoon extend it so that the surface is very smooth.
With help of a dish, turn the omelette and introduce the other side in the pan. Pass the wooden spoon by the edges of the tortilla to compact it again that is with a more round and more showy form. Cook about 5 minutes more.