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Chocolate Cake

3 cups all-purpose flour

3 cups granulated sugar

1½ cups unsweetened cocoa powder

1 tablespoon baking soda

1½ teaspoons baking powder

1½ teaspoons salt

4 large eggs

3 cups buttermilk

½ cup vegetable oil

2 teaspoons vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Butter pan and dust with flour and tap out the excess.

Mix the dry ingredients together: flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a stand mixer using a low speed until combined.

Mix the wet ingredients together: eggs, buttermilk, oil, and vanilla until combined.

Mix the dry and the wet ingredients. Beat on a medium speed until smooth. This should take just a couple of minutes.


Bake for 45-60 minutes until the cake meets the toothpick test (stick a toothpick in and it comes out clean).


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